Last year, the Metroparks seed nursery produced 1,841 pounds of native plant seed from 265 species to help restore habitat and in other park areas, providing important nectar sources for insects like the hummingbird moth. Commonly, the wingspan of a hummingbird moth is around 1.6-1. Characteristically they sport a flexible spine (horn) on the hind end, although in some species this is lost and replaced with an eyespot marking. Hornworms are among the largest of all caterpillars found in Colorado, some reaching lengths of three inches or more. They are in the sphinx moth or hawk moth. You can also attract them to your garden by planting some of their favorite larval host plants or adult nectar sources. Whitelined sphinx, a common hummingbird moth. Hummingbird moths are part of a family of many medium to large moths in the Sphingidae family and Hemaris genus. While most moths fly at night, these Sphinx moths fly by day, so it is easy to get a glimpse of one feeding on one of the native plants growing in the Metroparks. To add to its lovely appearance, the inner portion of its wings lack scales and are clear giving the. The adults are excellent pollinators and will nectar on native plants like wild bergamot, buttonbush, milkweed, wild phlox and thistle. The wings are solid red or brownish with reddish veins. A similar species, the snowberry clearwing ( Hemaris diffinis) looks more like a large bumblebee and is less common in northwest Ohio than the hummingbird clearwing.Ĭlearwing moths get their name from the lack of some scales on their wings, causing them to appear transparent.ĭepending on the species, the caterpillars will eat plants such as honeysuckles, snowberry, dogbane, and members of the rose family.

Sometimes you may see a hummingbird and a hummingbird moth dining on the nectar of the same flowers the two species often amicably share the same territory. Upon closer examination, it was found to be a look-alike called a hummingbird mothīarely half the size of its namesake bird, hummingbird moths are actually members of the Sphinx moth family and are formally named hummingbird clearwing moths ( Hemaris thysbe). If you enjoy this article, you’re sure to love Ed Robinson’s 2018 book, Nature Notes from Maine, which includes many of the wildlife stories on this website, new stories and stunning photographs and ink drawings. Hummingbird moths, like hummingbirds, feast on the nectar of a variety of long-necked flowers, such as trumpet creeper ( Campsis radicans) or cardinal flowers ( Lobelia cardinalis ). The mystery creature behaved like and resembled a miniature hummingbird, but was far too small to be a bird, only measuring around 1.5 inches. The hummingbird hawk-moth has greyish-brown forewings, bright orange hindwings, and a greyish body with a broad, black-and-white tail, which are actually. Their genus name is Macroglossum, meaning ‘long-tongued’. Nectaring on wild bergamot with rapidly beating wings, a hovering animal with a long, beak-like proboscis, flared out tail and a quiet, humming sound mesmerized researchers recently at a Metroparks property in the Oak Openings. Hummingbird hawk-moths belong to the Sphingidae family which share the ability to fly very fast, hover and have a long tongue.